
Age of empires 2 build order scout rush
Age of empires 2 build order scout rush

If you struggle to get a lot farms early on that’s pretty normal because you need your lumber jacks to build the second tc.Īs for Hera’s BO: This would be the version that is pretty close to a regular scout BO (as far as the dark age part goes).

age of empires 2 build order scout rush

When you have exhausted farming space around your first tc and mill you start building farms, here as well. All your vills from the second tc go to wood. As soon as you get 60 wood built farms around it (since you need all of your stragglers don’t build farms on top of them). The problem is to balance the villagers on the wood in order to be able to immediately make the fields and have enough food for the queuesĪs for early feudal it’s pretty straight forward: As long as you have food under your tc, keep some villagers gathering here and put new vills from first tc on straggler trees (the first couple of vills can go to the woodline from which you pulled off vills to build the tc if that is the case).

age of empires 2 build order scout rush

If the exact castle timing is crucial for whatever reason, imo it’s totally fine to idle your tcs a bit before going up or using the market (you have so many vills that it doesn’t matter all that much). I can’t recall the exact times but iirc you’ll reach castle at about 18 minutes having around 19 farms. In any case, none of these qualify as fast castle builds. You’ll have less vills but you will be up a little earlier to castle age in the end. If you want to go for a more relaxed approach you can go for 20 or 21 pop up to feudal just as you do with a regular scouts BO (it’s pretty much identical apart from you try to go for only one lumber camp and of course you don’t build a barracks while upping so 7 on wood is sufficient). However, it’s fairly tight and doesn’t work without dear. This way you will get the maximum amount of extra vills in feudal. When you reach feudal you build the tc and get bit axe and horse collar immediately. After clicking up you send most of your vills under the tc to wood (you need at least 8 on wood, here). If you do not expect early aggression from your opponent and you are able to push all your deer you can aim for a super early 18 pop up with 2 vills on wood. Imo it depends on how many extra vills you want to have until going to castle age. There might be BOs for setting you up until feudal age, though.

age of empires 2 build order scout rush

Since you have a lot of villagers in feudal age, a BO for going castle age wouldn’t make too much sense.

Age of empires 2 build order scout rush