There is a single MDWEQ6-AAX installer each for Mac OSX and Windows (July 13th 2021). (This is the older EQ6 version without the new VST and AU installs and was available from the Avid store or as an upgrade from the MDW shop from EQ5) Win: MDWEQ6 AAX: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins MDWEQ6 VST: C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3.Mac: MDWEQ6-AAX: /Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins folder. MDWEQ6 VST: Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3 MDWEQ6 AU: Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components.Destinations for each plug-ins are as follows: Once downloaded to your Download Folder, please click on the downloaded file to complete installation. MDWEQ6-Native+ Installer 6.0.44 and 6.0.36 for Pro Tools 11+ (Win).MDWEQ6-Native+ Installer 6.0.3r44 and 6.0.36 Installer for Pro Tools 10+ (Mac) - 64-bit (notarized) NATIVE ONLY.

There are trial versions of Cubase available, which do NOT need the hardware dongle. If you can find someone that made such a purchase, and has NOT activated the software (as they are already using another program), the could give it to you, and then you could register it to yourself. The AI and LE versions tend to only come bundled with some hardware such as an audio interface or controller. Cubase Elements does not require a hardware dongle, but still uses their eLicenser. No the full version of Cubase (Pro & Artist) requires a USB dongle, just like many plugins require an iLok.